
Your Guide to Selling Your Home in a Snap

The professional team of River Shore Realty can help you attract the highest possible value for your home. With our extensive knowledge of the local market, we can help you navigate through the selling process and ensure that your experience with us is as positive as it is successful.

Some Tips to Consider


Preparing Your Home

With our help, you can be sure that your house will be in its best condition. The first thing you need to do is evaluate your property’s overall state to address any problems. Then, we will discuss what needs improvement in your home to add more value to your sale. Keep in mind that some issues may require disclosure to your potential buyers.


Choosing the Right Price

In every real estate transaction, many factors will determine a competitive price for your home. You must also understand that the local market plays a critical part in a successful sale. Let our team guide you in establishing the right price for your property.


Improving Your Home

You need to focus on three factors when preparing your home for sale: its maintenance, renovations, and staging. These will help you make a great impression and attract the best offers in the market.

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Putting Your Property Up in the Market

After preparing your home, we will have it listed on the local market. Our team will have it photographed professionally and create advertisements that will attract buyers.

show home

Home Showing to Buyers

Sellers or owners may not present during home showings. Instead, we will work on your behalf and notify you in advance of any appointments. You can be sure that our team will plan and schedule accordingly to ensure that there will be no inconveniences during our tours or appointments.


Deciding on an Offer

Once the home showings are done, buyers will now make an offer that you can accept, counter, or reject. This will bring you to the negotiation stage, and most likely, a counteroffer will be made. In case this happens, our team will help you go through this process until an agreement is made or until you turn down the price. Only when both parties agree will you be officially under contract.


Appraisal and Inspections

After the agreement, the buyer will have the property inspected and appraised for its condition and value. No matter the result of these reports, we will help you create a strategy that will allow you to negotiate until you and your buyer compromise to terms.


Closing the Deal

During the closing day, the buyer’s lender will provide you with the final confirmation that they are approved to close. You will then sign the required paperwork along with all the other parties involved. Once the transaction is completed, your title company will transfer the net proceeds to your account.

What's My Home Worth?

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Let us talk about how we can help you get the best offer when selling your home. Reach out to our team today.